Friday, February 10, 2012

Words, words and more words

Its difficult to imagine a world without words. Imagine you are in a meeting and you didn't have the tool of word to communicate !Sounds bizarre to our verbose ways of the world but I would like to believe that communication in such times would be a fairer representative of our true inner feelings. No rhetorical pleasantries, no over-reactions on a minor accident, no false shows of sympathy through words, words and more words.

If I dig history, I learn that our ancestors didn't have the faculty of language to communicate and they felt shortchanged. Then came words and the rest is history. To that point, I would like to say that evolution for the sake of evolution is not good. I am hoping for a day when all words would have dried up in the minds of the people and only way they could communicate is through facial expressions and body languages !

I have been told by an Italian friend of mine that 40% of communication in Italy is through body language! Sounds fantastic to me but by no means I would imagine that this was the reason for their debt crisis. Government okayed the over spending by shaking the pervert head of Prime Minister whereas it actually wanted to say NO. Far fetched but a possibility.

My education trained mind asks me to think realistically and perform a cost benefit analysis. I think the benefits far outnumber the costs.Here is the list that I can quickly think of :
1. Reduction in Noise
2. Honest communication
3. Time saved on unnecessary explanations

1. The printing world would suffer huge revenue losses
2. The languages will die a natural death
3. The telecom world would be flabbergasted

Well, there is not a day when I thought words are insufficient in expressing the true thoughts so why not just get rid of words, words and more words...


  1. If we get rid of the words then this piece would have been history. ;)

    1. @ Ayush , precisely, I wouldn't have felt the need to communicate such a thought !

    2. There s indeed a world where you dont need words to communicate. And thats BLISS :)

  2. in a world without language, we have not other way but to live like animals do...

    no civilization wud be possible in such a condition. But we wud be living happy satisfied lives like those of chimpanzees, lions, deers, rabbits, tigers etc.

    On second thot, world wud be a worse place to live as risk of death/danger would be higher. A volcano comes and nobody gets to know who are far from its site but with in its vicinity. but till we die, we wud have a limited-needs gandian kind of life...
