Monday, August 12, 2013


There is little merit in denying the obvious. That's what defines most of us.Pride.
Intuitive reactions to events that are appreciative of our achievements is Pride. Of course some people revel in modesty, but more often than not it is an after thought. Moments of pride may have deceiving effects on normal women and men, for some it is the motivation to achieve anything and everything in life.In the darkness of the nights enveloped routinely around us everyday, I imagine that Sun takes pride in bringing to us the light, without which everything here would come to a standstill. In the loneliness of the nights enveloped routinely around us everyday, memories take pride in bringing to us the shining moments of the past and promise of the future.
Satyam was a conscientious man and every little event in his life affected him, till he discovered Pride. Thinking high of himself always, thinking about the achievements of the long distant past, he could overpower the ordinariness of the present rather soiled by human follies. Battered and bruised otherwise, now he is a picture of vanity and self indulgence. The change is imperceptible, invisible to the naked not so vigilant eyes. He long crossed the line that separated Pride with Vanity.May be he is right, may be he is not. That he now wants to question himself, is not the moot point but the fact that this is an internal battle, that he must fight everyday.The tension between the two selves, the struggle between the morally upright & brutally practical. It is not a wound that a paste can heal, it is a deep cut that pains infinitely though inconspicuous.


  1. The line between Pride and Vanity - understood, but why are you co-relating vanity to dishonesty? It isn't necessary that a person who is self-obsessed will chose the path of dishonesty. Vanity and dishonesty are two separate areas is what i feel, or may be vanity drives dishonesty.

  2. Archana
    I didn't compare Vanity with dishonesty, with brute practicality, yes. It is difficult to find causal pattern in human behaviour, whether vanity drives or is driven by a greater force remains a subject of discussion.
