There was a lot to ponder over but the thoughts have dried. The meaninglessness of the present accentuated the existential dilemma and the glory of the past made matter worse. But that’s not where my shoe pinches; it’s the so called pragmatism, the burden of limiting the movements within the boundaries which arouse a feeling of helplessness. Aah, let’s not brood over why life is the way it is and et al. Enough has been said and written about it, however hard man tries to conceal his emotions and wraps them under the cover of decent behavior, there is a part of him that refuses to oblige to the commands of the brain, it’s his eyes! Their behavior is many a time not in agreement with the body language, making them the only window/s to your heart.
Eyes truly represent the state of the mind which is why they are called the mirror of the soul. They perform a lot more than their biological function of collecting light and forming images before letting the brain to decide what it just saw. I am inclined to believe that eyes are more intelligent than we think. They put their own interpretations of the object and instruct the brain to perform a certain action. When a lover sees his beloved, it’s probably at eyes where the decisions are taken, the contacts made by their ‘in-love’ eyes and the communication hence achieved is simply majestic, bringing me back to what I once wrote on the matter of silence. It’s interesting how naturally eyes come to the rescue of silence. If there ever was a language called “Silence”, eyes would render what words have failed to achieve. I am drawn to the thought of not having to say anything and yet be able to communicate. Words, I often feel under-express or exaggerate but the eyes say what ought to be communicated. The twitch of the worried, the beam of the elated, the surrender of the beaten, the pride of the victorious, the anger of the aggravated, the forlorn of the loveless, eyes capture them all like it has measured every single emotion in weights and has bottled them in exact quantities and oozes them out whenever the situation demands! Just how they do it is not important but how well do they do it, I cannot stop marveling at this. Picture in your mind the reassuring look you gave to your love when he/she looked worried, the love in the eyes of your mother when she dishevels your hair while you are half asleep and you won’t doubt the veracity of my claims.
Eyes-reading is actually a double edged sword; it is not intended for the faint-hearted who are wary of truth. The fact that it communicates the crudest emotion buried inside the heart; it lacks the polish and gloss of words, body language and smile. It’s not easy to have seen heaven and then see fury in the same pair of eyes much the same way as it is very difficult to change an old habit. One cannot expect anything from the eyes because as I said they act independently of brain. There could be a change of heart but not the eyes. Needless to add but I will still write that eyes do not lie, so you can at the bare minimum expect honesty and fidelity from the eyes. Big, small, green, blue or black or accessorized (read glasses), all eyes are truthful and honest while they may not always be kind. It is for the individual to decide if he trusts his eyes more than the ears but if happiness is indeed the only pursuit of our lives, I recommend the ears.
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