Rings into my ears
every now & then
I feel it on my skin
Listening to something
Her voice turns it
into arcane
It appears once
unannounced and thence expected
Thrives on atmosphere
Leaves a lasting
impression on my mind & body
The music in
her voice is such a melody !
Like a bird who sings
with no aim
Like a poet who writes
for no fame
Like a mother who
loves not for a goal
She talks everyday
with a pure soul
Hidden beneath the
sound are her trials
Concealed from the
world are those tears
The silence does what
sound cannot
Shining light of a
moon when sun doesnot
The meaning of the
rhythm, rhyme & punctuations
Is all but perceptions
The love, agony , joy
& pain
Expressed summarily by
the sound of her vocal lanes
The biology be damned
And the physics be
I listen to her like a
starved listener
Her voice that is
ethereal, surreal & stellar
I will tread those
lanes someday
Listen to the silence
& words at hay
Nothing truly matches
the sound of her sound
Stealthily I shall be
happiness abound.